How to Confront Without a Fight! Business Conflict Strategies
Wed, Sep 14, 2011 | 9:30 – 11am

What is this event?
Event Decription
Most of us are sissies when it comes to confrontation. We ignore conflict that needs to be addressed and let it fester. After a problem persists long enough, we finally attack the other person with anger, even rage. The results are resentment, devastated moral, and, as a bonus, the problem continues. Join us Wednesday, September 14 as Nik Nikkel will give the fundamentals of seeing conflict and confrontation as an opportunity to grow your business and yourself.
How will I be empowered to action?
Action Points
- Confrontation is a good thing.
- Conflicts are opportunities.
- Procrastination is the main reason conflicts can become fights.
- Avoid the False Attribution Error.
- End with a plan.