Be a People Magnet
The Art of Business Connection
Wed, Oct 4, 2017 | 9:30 – 11am MST

The Allies Who Make This Happen
What is Boost Biz Ed?
Boost Biz Ed is both a networking event and educational event inspired the conviction that small business has the unique opportunity to change the world.
Boost Biz Ed fuels world changers by tapping proven business experts, drawing out transformative insights, and presenting them in a format for easy consumption and intention for immediate action.
How is this event special?
Event Decription
Would you like to know in a matter of seconds how to communicate and connect effectively with anyone? Business owners, Entrepreneurs and Sales Professionals know that to be successful we have to connect and engage quickly. This is an interactive talk where attendees will experience my customized process to read people fast and accurately. Having tools that enable anyone to accurately hear what is being communicated both with words and non-verbally is critical for successful engagements.
How will I be empowered to action?
Action Points
- Utilize the process of actively listening to Read body language accurately
- Translate your message for accurate understanding
- Know how to discover the language of others – weather it’s auditory, visual or kinesthetic
- Learn the art of asking questions
- Breakthrough the white noise for a productive conversation
Where is this event?
SPACES Denver – Ballpark
2301 Blake Street, Denver, CO 80205
Easy access from I25/I70. Enter building on Park Ave. Best parking: Blake; free 2-hr one side, meters other. Don’t park in Scientology lot or in reserved lot behind building. $5 all-day lot across street, Rockies days excl. We meet in club lounge.
