Own Your Pro Time: Strategies for Profit & Balance
Wed, Mar 15, 2017 | 9:30 – 11am

The Allies Who Make This Happen
What is Boost Biz Ed?
Boost Biz Ed is both a networking event and educational event inspired the conviction that small business has the unique opportunity to change the world.
Boost Biz Ed fuels world changers by tapping proven business experts, drawing out transformative insights, and presenting them in a format for easy consumption and intention for immediate action.
How is this event special?
Event Decription
Time is life. How we choose to use our time determines the quality of our lives. According to a 2011 report by the American Psychological Association, about half of all American professionals say they don’t have a healthy work-life balance. This Own Your Time Presentation is designed to provide Professional Time-Management Strategies for a Profitable and Balanced Life and is designed for all business people.
How will I be empowered to action?
Action Points
- How to get at least 1 hour of time back each day
- How to set boundaries to stop wasting time
- How to recapture control of your time
- How to manage email
- How to see if you are close to burnout and what to do to turn it around
Where is this event?
SPACES Denver – Ballpark
2301 Blake Street, Denver, CO 80205
Easy access from I25/I70. Enter building on Park Ave. Best parking: Blake; free 2-hr one side, meters other. Don’t park in Scientology lot or in reserved lot behind building. $5 all-day lot across street, Rockies days excl. We meet in club lounge.
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It was an honor to have an expert of Stephanie’s caliber educate us how to make better use of our finite time. Especially after losing an hour this week, I know we learned enough to gain back at least two hours this week and every week going forward. Truly amazing! I hate to shame the few RSVPs who didn’t show, but however they thought they didn’t have time to honor their reservation, they now will have to suffer in wallowing in the deficit of their bad habits. Oh, you can catch it on the event page and on Facebook Live. Thank you Stephanie for sharing with us so generously!