Call for Topics

How Can an Expert Empower You to Lift Your Biz Higher?

Have as much fun with this as you want or have time for.

Quick route: Just provide a topic title, and then hit the Propose It button.

Fun route: In addition to the title, enjoy providing more description and even specific learning points that would benefit you.

Bonus route: Tell us who you’d like to learn this from, and even provide contact information so we can reach out to this person.

Which ever route you choose, thank you for your input!


If you have your own presentation to submit, please use the form here, instead. Thank you!

Boost Biz Ed is proud of our 7-year tradition of attracting great speakers who deliver actionable business education for an intimate group of business owners and pros. Actionable simply means our members can latch onto ideas and make immediate improvements to their businesses.

Propose a Presentation Today

    What punchy title would get your attention? * (40-character maximum) 0

    If you would like to only submit a title, please just provide your name and email and click the Propose It button below now. Otherwise, have fun filling in the following info as well!

    What subtitle would clarify for you that this workshop meets your needs in a unique and powerful way?

    What description would make a person like you not want to miss this workshop?

    What specifically would you like to take action on after this workshop?




    Is there a presenter you would recommend?

    If you are referring yourself, please use this form instead.

    Why do you recommend this person?

    Their Company

    Their Email

    Their Phone

    Their Website http://

    Your Name * :

    Your Email * :

    Thank You!

    We’ll send you an email confirmation with the information you submitted.