Become An Influential Speaker Workshop


In this full-day speaker training workshop by award winning author and speaker, Don McGrath you will:

– create your talk that effectively moves people to action
– receive expert coaching from Don McGrath
– learn how to deliver your talk like a pro
– have the opportunity to give your talk in a speak-off
– receive video and photos of you speaking
– learn how to get on stages
– get testimonials of your speaking
– receive Don’s Influential Speaker video training course

I have six dates selected in July, August, and September for workshops in Colorado Springs.
July 21st
July 24th
August 11th
August 21st
September 15th
September 18th

I am open to doing an event in Denver if there are at least 5 people interested.



In this full-day speaker training workshop by award winning author and speaker, Don McGrath you will:

– create your talk that effectively moves people to action
– receive expert coaching from Don McGrath
– learn how to deliver your talk like a pro
– have the opportunity to give your talk in a speak-off
– receive video and photos of you speaking
– learn how to get on stages
– get testimonials of your speaking
– receive Don’s Influential Speaker video training course

I have six dates selected in July, August, and September for workshops in Colorado Springs.
July 21st
July 24th
August 11th
August 21st
September 15th
September 18th

I am open to doing an event in Denver if there are at least 5 people interested.